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iran Subduct and c.o.d pipe factory

iran Subduct and c.o.d pipe factory.iran Subduct and c.o.d pipe factory

iran Subduct and c.o.d pipe factory.Covering electric cables and optical fibers has always been important. These cables are very vulnerable and if there is no protection for them, they may be destroyed. They are responsible for the protection of electrical wires and cables, optical fiber and telecommunication electrical branches. The material of the subducts is high density polyethylene (HDPE). The percentage of carbon black is one of the characteristics of subducts. Subducts and cod types are used to control the path and protect cables, fibers, and wires. Colored pipes are the best choice for transmission.
Product introduction
Covering electric cables and optical fibers has always been important. These cables are very vulnerable and if there is no protection for them, they may be destroyed. They are responsible for the protection of electric wires and cables, optical fibers and telecommunication electrical branches.
The material of the subducts is high density polyethylene (HDPE). The subducts can withstand the tensile test according to the standard.
Black color with two percent carbon black is one of the characteristics of subducts.
What are the uses of COD subduct?
Wherever there is a cable or electric wire, subducts come to help and their main job is to protect optical fiber wires and cables, electric and telecommunication cables.
The presence of high-density polyethylene has made subducts act as an insulator for wires and cables.
Subducts also prevent physical damage such as tearing or impact.
Also, the mechanical tolerance of electric wires increases due to the subduct because it bears a large part of the pressure.
Also, the insulation of the subduct against heat and fire has made it more widely used.
Advantages of using subducts
Slowing down the flow of fire due to insulation.
Easy portability
Easy to install and easy to carry
High durability
High flexural strength
High wear and tear
Long life
Insulation against electricity
Heat and fire insulation
cold insulation
To order subducts in different sizes, just contact Energysazan.
The products are all from the factory and are sold without intermediaries.

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ثبت سفارش iran Subduct and c.o.d pipe factory

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