Manisman pipe
Manisman pipe is considered as one of the most widely used type of seamless pipes in the industry, which is used for fluid transfers today.
Manisman pipes are divided into different5 categories in term of material, application, construction method and connection method. The production process of manisman pipe is such that a steel ingot is elongated under stretching and rolling and then by inserting a solid pointed rod into the center of the molten billet, it creates a seamless pipe which finally leads to the production of manisman pipe done. Manisman pipe, as its name suggests, is a pipe that has no seams or welds-manisman pipe is made in such a way that the steel heated and shaped to resemble a hallow pipe in addition to acceptable resistance to impact and corrosion. This increases the inner thickness of manisman pipe. This type of metal pipe is used in oil, gas, petrochemical industries, construction facilities systems that have a lot of pressure on them. Manisman pipe should be of special important due to the sensitive pipe. Application that is under pressure in industries. The uniformity and absence of seams and welding lines in the manisman pipe increase the resistance and resistance to temperature change and corrosion, as well as the useful life of the manisman pipe. Different production methods according to the equipment and energy required for them lead to the different in the price of manisman pipe.
Product introduction
manisman or seamless pipe has transformed the method of transferring liquids and gases from one place to another. Manisman pipe is made from a solid cylindrical steel billet that is heated and placed in a mold to take the shape of the pipe. The absence of seams in manisman pipes eliminates the risk of leakage and make them ideal for various industries. The seamless pipe manufacturing process ensures that manisman pipes eliminates the risk of leakage and make them ideal for various industries. The seamless pipe manufacturing process ensures that manisman pipes have consistent and uniform properties throughout their length, making them more durable and reliable than their welded counter parts i.e., galvanizeh pipe or well casing pipes.
What is manisman pipe?
Manisman or seamless pipe is a type is a type of steel pipe that is produced and marked using a process called seamless pipe production. This process begins be heating the raw material, which is usually a solid steel ingot, until it reaches the melting point. then the material passage Through a cylindrical mold to take the shape of a pipe. Finally, the obtained product is a pipe with uniform wall thickness and standard dimensions
Characteristic of manisman’s pipe
One of the main characteristics of manisman pipes is their strength and durability because they are made from a single piece of steel, there are not weak points or parts that are highly likely to break or crack, such as welded seams, in manisman pipe.
This feature makes them ideal for use high-pressure environments such as oil gas pipelines where safety and ensuring proper transmission are paramount. Although pipes such as polyethylene pipe or corrugate pipe are also considered. Seamless, but the steel material of manisman pipe distinguishes it to tolerate more pressure.
Specifications of manisman pipe
Manisman pipe production is carried out in compliance with various standards and certificated. For different applications, two standards. ASME B360.10 and ASME B360.19, are considered more than other standards, which are used for steel and steel pipes, respectively.
Manisman pipe manufacturers specify a certain range by using these standards which are things like diameter, thickness, and length, respectively.
Also, the factories that claim to produce their manisman pipes based on these standards must produce the pipes within the specified ranges and pipe dimensions. Manisman pipe is produced without welding, with an integrated and seamless body, which makes it more durable and stronger than other types of pipes.
This advantage has made the use of manisman pipe in various industries such as oil, gas, petrochemical, etc. is very common.
Methods of producing manisman pipes
Now that we are finally familiar with manisman pipe, in this section we intend to production methods of this pipe.
Using the centrifugal casting method
In this method, centrifugal casting is used to control the final quality of the manisman pipe, and environmental and device controls are also given great importance. However due to the fluidity of molten steel in Iran, this method is not used that much.
Used of roll and extrusion for steel ingots
In this method, the steel ingots are heated and after that, the manisman pipe sheet is rolled and stretched a lot. This method is mostly used in the manisman pipe manufacturing industry.
Type of manisman pipes
In this section, we are going to introduce you to the different types of pipes.
- Common manisman pipes: it is a pipe made of P.V.C material and used in many general purposes. This pipe is used by the construction industry, interior decoration and water and sewage systems due to its reasonable price, easy installation, lightness and resistance to corrosion and heat.
- Steel manisman pipe: it is a pipe made of steel and used to transport gas, oil and water. This pipe is used due to its hardness and resistance to impact and high pressure, thermal stability and especially long life.
- Non-ferrous alloy manisman pipe: it is a pipe made of non-ferrous alloys such as copper, brass and aluminum and used to transport water, gas fuel and other materials. This pipe is used for many industries due to its resistance to corrosion and heat flexibility, beautiful appearance and reasonable price.
- Manisman copper pipe: it is a pipe made of copper pipe and it’s used to transport water, gas, fuel and other materials. This pipe is used due to its resistance to corrosion, thermal drift and outdoor performance.
- D.P.E. manisman pipe: it is a pipe made of H.D.P.E plastic and used to transport water and sewage. This pipe is known for its lightness, flexibility, resistance to corrosion and high temperature, long life, and no environmental impact on it.
- P.V.C manisman pipe: C.P.V.C seamless manisman pipe is a type of plastic pipe that is made using C.P.V.C material and great properties such as high resistance to heat, pressure , corrosion and other chemical factors.
- manisman pipes are suitable for use in water and sewage systems, heating and cooling systems, chemical industries, due to their seamless structure, strong sound insulation and antibacterial properties. Actually, they are easy to install and maintain.
- P.V.C seamless manisman pipe: manisman pipe or U.P.V.C seamless pipe is a type of plastic pipe that is made U.P.V.C material and has characteristics such as high resistance to breakage and pressure, in flexibility at high temperatures and anti-corrosion.
- Manisman pipes are used water and sewage systems, air conditioning systems, etc. due to their reasonable price and high resistance to failure and pressure.
Application of manisman pipe
U.P.V.C seamless manisman pipe is one of the most popular types of plastic pipes that are used in many industries due to their many characteristics. Manisman pipes, despite their reasonable price, have high resistance to breaking and pressure. In flexibility at high temperature and anti-corrosion.
Also, in the air conditioning and heating systems industry, manisman pipes are used as an important part in air distribution systems. Manisman pipes with different diameters and beautiful appearance, are suitable for air passage in air conditioning systems. Also, manisman pipes are used in agricultural industries.
Manisman pipes are among the solutions that are used for under pressure. Generally, manisman pipe used in many sectors of the industry due to its characteristics.
Comparison of manisman pipe with other industrial pipes
Different types pf industrial pipes are designed for installation in special conditions such as high operating pressures. For example, manisman pipe and seamless steel pipe are commonly used in piping systems and high-pressure installations.
Although, other pipes such as polyethylene pipe and P.V.C pipe and U.P.V.C are also suitable for installation in normal pressure and high pressure, but in some cases, it is better to use a special pipe such as manisman pipe, which is designed by engineers with attention to special conditions and cases are designed.
This choice should always be made according to the needs of the project and possible problems in the long term in order to achieve an optimal and economical result.
The purchase price of manisman pipe
To determine the price of manisman pipe various factors such as size, manufacturer, country of manufacture and quality are considered. For this reason, to buy manisman pipe with specific dimensions, you must have enough information in this field. In the Iranian market, we see imported pipe from different countries such as China, India and Germany.
For this reason, the price of manisman pipe fluctuates in the market and may change. If you need information a bout the latest price of manisman pipe, you can contact to Energysazan company and get the latest prices.
Manisman pipe buying guide
Manisman pipe is one of the most widely used products in various industries, and you should pay attention to some points to buy it. First, the pipe should be chosen carefully. Also, you need to measure the object carefully. Then, check the manufacturer and country of manufacture; usually, manisman pipes produce by famous brands are of higher quality.
Also, compare price with other sellers to find the best one for you. Finally, check the complete information about the technical specifications and quality of the product, as well as the terms of warranty after-sales service, and then do your order.
Manisman pipe is one of the widely used products in various industries. Manisman pipe is widely used in various industries and some factors should be taken into consideration when buying it. Pipe’s size, manufacturer and country of manufacturer, price, technical specifications and product quality, warranty conditions and after-sales service are among the factors that should be considered in choosing the best manisman pipe.