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Dripper is a small dropper made of high-quality plastic. This piece is installed on soft polyethylene pipes at certain distance from the ground and it is responsible for draining water from the irrigation pipes. The droppers are made of high-quality plastic so that, they are not damaged in the outdoor exposed to sunlight.

Areas that have a relatively small volume of water resources and rainfall often used the drip irrigation system. Saving water, easier agricultural operations, the possibility of using salt water and reducing side costs are the most important reasons that make us consider drip irrigation as an ideal method for agricultural land.

In this method, water passes through the purification station through a network of low- pressure pipes that are installed around the ground and it is transferred to the feet of seedlings and trees. Spreading water to the soil surface in done through plastic called drippers, which we will introduce you to their types below. Please stay with us.


What is mean of dripper in drip irrigation?

Dripper is a small emitter made of high-quality plastics. This piece is installed on soft polyethylene pipes at certain distance from the ground and it is responsible for draining water from the irrigation pipes. The drippers are made of high-quality plastic so that they are not damaged in the outdoor and exposed to sunlight.

Drippers are installed on polyethylene pipes at a suitable distance of 40to 50 cm. the water flow is available from 2 liters per hour to 24 liters per hour. Drippers have the ability to spread water with different intensities depending on the type of soil. For example, at zero pressure, water comes of the dripper in the form of continues drops with a low rate of about 1 to 24 liters per hour. In drip irrigation system that is correct, the moisture range of the drippers should cover each other. For this purpose, the distance between the drippers is considered to be 80% of the wetted diameter at a depth of 15 to 30 cm from the soil surface.


The role of dripper in drip irrigation

In the pattern designed for drip irrigation, the dripper or dropper through the nozzle reduces the discharge flow to about half a liter per hour. the use of this product in irrigation has helped to avoid excessive use of water and reduces water wastage as much as possible. It should be noted that in order to evenly distribute the pressure in the system and of course to ensure the same watering of the droppers, it is necessary to use pressure regulating droppers.


Choosing the number of drip irrigation

A dripper is a plastic piece that is used to transfer water evenly to the surface of agricultural land. These pieces generally have an anti-UV coating on the outside, which protects them from sunlight and sun rays. Among these, the most important factor in determining the number of drippers for agricultural land is knowing the area needed for irrigation. For example, in order to supply the water needed by a tree, more drippers are needed than a bush. In general, due to the fact that a younger plant needs a lower level of wetting to supply water to the roots, irrigation is done with a smaller number of drippers, and as the plant grows, the number of drippers is also increased.                                  It is necessary to consider the growth and maturity period of plant at the beginning of designing the irrigation system. Generally, for this purpose, they consider the plant’s water requirement as much as possible during different growth periods and design and plan the system based on it.


the use of drippers in drip irrigation

  1. Irrigation of the greenhouse
  2. Irrigation of orchards
  3. Irrigation of green spaces
  4. Irrigation of crops


Dripper types of drip irrigation

  1. Adjustable drippers: adjustable drippers have a relatively simple structure and they are considered common drip irrigation products. It is better to install these sprinklers accurately and at specific intervals along the irrigation path and water transmission pipes. using these drippers has two advantages for farmers. The first advantage is their low of water discharge from these drippers. So that the intensity of water entering at the beginning and end of the transmission pipe can be controlled.

2.automotic droppers: the second category is related to self-adjusting or automatic drippers. These drippers are distinguished from each other according to the type and number that is usually written on them. Self-adjusting drippers work at specific and         pre-determined flow rates. For example, 2 liters of water per hour and reaches the plant.                                                                                  If the systems pressure is lower than the desired pressure, the dropper will not give water or it will give very little water and you will realize that your system pressure is less than necessary. The advantage of this dropper is that there is no need to spend a lot of time adjusting their flow diameter. It is recommended to use automatic drippers. if you have a large land or the quality of irrigation is important to you.


Introducing several models of commonly used drippers

  • Antelco drippers   Antelco drippers are products of Australia, which re generally used to regulate the water pressure level and distribute the flow evenly in the transmission pipes.                                                                      These drippers are produced in capacities of 2,4 and 8 liters with a maximum working pressure of 4 pascals, and their important features include self- cleaning properties, resistance to clogging, the benefit of filters, resistance to ultraviolet rays and also resistance to the destructive effect of chemical fertilizers.
  • Iritic dripper  dripper or iritic droppers are products of Italy, which are generally produced in 2 ,4 and 8-liter capacities. These drippers are prefect for field with a low or gentle slope and they are mostly used in the irrigation of row plants and green house.                                              Other advantages iritic drippers include long life, resistance to sunlight, and resistance to the destructive effects of chemical fertilizers.
  • Axios drippers  Axios drippers are products of This model of drippers has the ability to be easily installed on pasta and polyethylene pipes, and they can be installed at desired intervals by using a 3mm punch.                                                                                                      Also, among other features of drippers Axios, we can mention the ability to open their caps. Using this mechanism, you can easily wash the entire space inside by opening the dropper cap.
  • Netafim dripper Netafim dripper transfers that flow of water according to the volume of water needed day and night for trees and agricultural products. These drippers are sold in four models:4-liter, 8liter, 12liter, and 16 liters. One of the features of Netafim drippers is precise and uniform irrigation in wide areas, Netafim dropper is a product of two countries, American and Israeli, and it is marketed in two forms: Netafim PC dropper and Netafim PCJ dropper.



Dripper is one of the important parts of any irrigation system. The task of this tool is to transfer water to the feet of trees and plants and it is sold in different models in the market. For this reason, it should be chosen according to your needs and the type of plant you can also set a specific program for watering plants so that drippers do not water more than the requires amount. The way the drippers work is that we have to install them on a small polyethylene pipe (soft hose) with pre-designed spacing and open the water flow. After the water enters the dripper with a pressure of about 1 bar, it leaves the dripper in the form of continuous drop without pressure and with a flow rate of about 1to 24 liters per hour.

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ثبت سفارش Dripper

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