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agricultural nylon

maintaining the quality of agricultural products is always one of the important points for farmers. this is important for many people because of the effect it can have on product sales and consumer satisfaction. Currently. Currently, the use of agricultural nylons is considered the most common way to care for and maintain the quality of agricultural products, which are also called wide nylons. these nylons are made on the basis of polyethylene and they are widely used in the agricultural industry. To prepare agricultural nylons, it is necessary to know the dimensions, thickness and materials of the nylon, you want and make your purchase based on that. Anti-UV materials are added to nylons to improve their quality.

Maintaining the quality of agricultural product is always one of the important points for farmers. This is important for many people because of the effect it can have on product sales and consumer satisfaction. Currently, the most common way to care for and, maintain the quality of agricultural products, which are also called wide nylons.

These nylons are made on the basic of polyethylene and they are widely used I the agricultural industry. The prepare agricultural, it is necessary to know the dimensions, thickness and material of the nylon you want and make your purchase based on that. if you are interested in getting to know the types of agricultural nylons available in the market and their use, stay with us in the next article.


specifications of agricultural nylons

as mentioned, agricultural or wide nylons are generally used for the storage of greenhouse products agricultural products. Of course, we must point out that the use of these nylons is not limited to the care of products and they have other uses as well. among the most important of them, we can mention the segregate of greenhouse, preventing the entry and exit of heat keeping the temperature constant.

The agricultural nylons available in the market are produced in widths of 1.5 to 18meters. The thickness of these nylons is generally specified based on the number of layers and they are classified as one, two, three-layer samples.


Getting to know types of agricultural nylons

To buy agricultural nylons, it is important to know the products available in the market and the use of each one. Generally, agricultural or wide nylons are divided into five categories, which we will explain below.

  • Greenhouse nylons

These nylons are used for insulating and covering the roof of greenhouse. The thickness and detentions of greenhouse nylons are generally high due to their use and have many uses. The most important additive use in the composition of these nylons is U.V. this additive increases the lifespan and resistance of nylons against sunlight.

  • Soil disinfectant nylons

Soil disinfectant nylons have antibacterial compounds and they are resistance to punctures and the penetration of annoying are used to disinfect and protect beneficial soil organisms.

  • Mulch nylons

Mulch agricultural nylons are placed on the soil surface as a cover and they are used for the production of vegetables and new cultivated anti-humidity properties and help the growth of seedlings a lot.

  • Fodder nylons

Fodder nylons have a very heavy weight and they are used to increase the life of the fodder as well as printing. These nylons are generally green in color.

  • Black nylons

Unlike the above, black nylons do not have many uses and they are mostly used to cover the soil surface of seedlings and absorb light in sunny areas.


Storage conditions of agricultural nylons

The importance of using agricultural nylons is an issue that should be seriously considered. These nylons are offered in different configurations in the market and in the other words, they are considered to be the sponsor of maintaining the quality of the products.  Among the most important measures for the proper maintenance of agricultural nylons, the fallowing can be mentioned:

  • Placing the rolls in a horizontal position in order to prevent the deformation of the spindles.
  • Avoid exposing the rolls to direct sunlight.
  • Using a closed placed away from moisture to the store the rolls.
  • Drying the place where the rolls are collected to prevent them from igniting.


The most important application of agricultural nylons

One of the most important advantages and application of using agricultural nylons is the harvest time. With the use of these nylons, agricultural products are harvested about 2-3 week earlier, and as a result, you can get a good profit by supplying them outside the crop season. As we mentioned, these nylons are widely used in various fields and they are not limited to agricultural industries. For example, the construction and animal husbandry industries are among the other customers of these nylons. In the following, we will introduce you to some of these applications.

  • The possibility of healthy and principled cultivation of plants and seedling.
  • Disinfecting the soil and preventing the spread of moisture and harmful insects to agricultural land.
  • Roofing and insulating greenhouse and preventing direct sun light.
  • Insulation of building farmers.
  • Preventing the growth of weeds in agricultural in agricultural land.
  • Packing of agricultural products.


Price list of agricultural nylons

The purchase price of agricultural nylons is calculated by considering many parameters. generally, the price of nylons is different based on the compounded used (additives) and their type of use their type of  use, and for more information, you can contact the numbers listed on the site and contact us.

The important point is that: nylons are produced from polyethylene materials and with stabilizers their quality increases against sunlight, chemicals and fertilizers. The weight of each meter of nylon depends on the width and thickness. An important point in the quality of nylons is the resistance levels. They are against tension.

We do not have any restrictions for producing nylon in different colors.

Single-layer or double- layer nylon depends on the design of your cultivation, which is better to consult with agricultural engineers before buying.

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ثبت سفارش agricultural nylon

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