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Water purifier

Water purifier

Water purifier

The water purifier consists of a series of special filters, each of which responsible for separating and removing part of particles and pollution in the water. The water output from this device is high quality and completely healthy and hygienic.

water purifier/household water treatment/buying a home water purifier

generally, all the step and actions that are carried out in order to separate pollution and suspended particles in water are called water purification process. This process actually includes the removal and separation of bacterial, mud, chlorine and harmful salts from the water and minimize the percentage of impurities. Based on the type operation, the water purifier can be used in industrial or domestic dimensions. In both these cases, the performance of the water purifier did not differ, and only in our home models, we see relative increase in the accuracy and efficiency of the device compared to other models. In this content, we intend to provide you, dear friends, with information about the home the water purifier and its mechanism of action. Please stay with us.

Getting to know the home water purifier

The water purifier consists of a series of special filters, each of which is responsible for separating and removing part of the particles and pollution in the water. The water out pot from this from this device is high quality and completely healthy and hygienic. Water purifiers are classified according to their model and according to the compony that produce them, and you should pay attention to the brand, model and number of filters to choose and buy a water purifier.

application oiiiuuhruihjoiejiojedkcvdv application of household water purifier

hard water occurs when there are too many mineral salt, metals and ions in the water. This complication can cause many problems for humans and case many digestive diseases in the long run. For example, the formation of sediment in household appliances, including samovar, kettle, and water heater pipes, causes their outlet to be locked. There are various methods. To remove the hardness of water, the most common and at the same time the most reliable of these methods is the use of a home water purifier.  Here are some of the most important advantages of using a home water purifier:

  • Separation of suspended particles and mud
  • Separation of pollutants with taste and smell
  • Separation of harmful substances from water (by ion exchange method)
  • Removal of very small impurities

Types of suitable household water purifiers

In order to know what water purifier to buy, we must first have a reasonable familiarity with the types of water purifiers and purification mechanisms. Also, these methods are divided based on the way of water purification and the number of filters, and the most common of the m are overhead, tabletop, under-sink, reverse osmosis RO, three-stage, six stage, and alkaline ionized water purifiers.

Household water purification step

Generally, it can be said that the mechanism of water purification devices usually changes with the number of stages. Currently, there are 3to8 phase devices in the market. Of course, the higher number of stages, the higher quality of the output water, because more filters with different mechanisms can be installed on it, and as a result, more pollutants are removed from the water. But the general mechanism of the purification devices in the market is as follow:                                      in the first stage of purification, a polypropylene or fibr filter is used to absorb solid and coarse materials such as gravel, sand, sludge and algae present at the beginning of the work.                                                                In the second stage of purification, a powder carbon filter is used, which is usually made of coconut shell, and by using it, we separate chemicals, insects, and pathogens that cause unpleasant taste, smell, and color in water. In the third stage of purification, the carbon block filter absorbs chemicals, disease-causing agents and chlorine by means of numerous and small pores as well as carbon materials, and as a result, it removes the bad smell of chlorine from the water. And finally, in the fourth stage of water purification, the reverse osmosis method is mainly used, and in this way, we remove chemicals such as nitrates, parasites, and other pathogenic agents, and also reduce the hardness of the water. Nitrates are toxic substances that are well absorbed by this filter and do not enter drinking water, 99-98%of impurities are removed by this filter.

Types of household water purifier filters

The main filters used in home water purifiers to remove water pollutants include polypropylene filter, powder carbon filter, carbon block filter, membrane filter, post carbon filter and mineral filter. The city water that enters the home purifier, based on the work each of these water purification filters, absorbs water pollutants well and clean it completely.

The difference between a water purifier with a tank and without a tank

The tankless water purification device dose not have a pump or electric current, and it performs the purification network with city water pressure. These devices without a tank do not have a sewage outlet system and a control valve and they purify water through 5to7successive filter stages. Low cost and relatively simple operation are the most important advantages of tankless water purifiers. But in the tank devices, the incoming water passes through three stages of filter and then by passing through the revers osmosis membrane, all the harmful chemical pollution is separated and finally the water is discharged through the sewage system of the device. Due to having a pump and tank, these instead they have the possibility to store purifier water in themselves. Among the other facilities of tank- based purification devices, we can mention the automatic water control system, which can be used whenever the water in the tank becomes less than a certain amount; the device automatically starts purifying water and storing it in the tank.

The price of buying home water purifier

The price of home water purifiers differs from each other due to several factors. These devices include different prices based on the type of filters, purification methods, device size, device brand, device quality and efficiency, and among these devices, those that include membrane filters and reverse osmosis systems are the expensive. Because these devices are more accurate than others. For this reason, it can be said that default pricing on home water purifiers is not possible because most of these devices are imported and manufactured in other countries if you are interested in getting information about the specifications and purchase price of house hold water purifiers depending on the type of use and your budget, you can contact our experts by using the contact.

Choosing the best home water purifier

In order to choose the best water filter for you home or work place, you must consider some important points.

  • Knowing when to change the filter the filter of the device to choose the right water filter, first of all, you need to determine the type of filters. It is very important to know which filter needs to be replaced. Usually, their useful life is written on the filters, but for more information, you should know that the polypropylene filter is effective for 6to9 months. In these cases, it is better to get the original filters from their direct representative in Iran. Because common filters available in the market are sold under different names and it is not possible to ensure their authenticity.
  • Attention to the specifications and features  we recommend that instead of looking at the price of the best filter brand, you should pay attention to their features. Capabilities and facilities. For example, filters should not block the flow of water during a water cut, and this issue is very important. Because there are times the electricity is cut off and not connected for hours, and during this period of time, if the filters stop the water, it is not possible to use drinking water.
  • Paying attention to the filter capacity of the device pay attention to the capacity of the filters. Usually, the original Taiwanese filter has a capacity of up to 220liters per day, which is completely suitable and ideal for a large family, and you will not face the problem of lack of drinking water for washing dishes and fruit, cooking, etc. also, after buying, read the writings on the filters carefully and if you see a mistake in writing the brand name and its packaging. It is probably fake. Note that the original filters do not have these structural defects, but the low-quality and fake filters usually have misspellings or the brand color does not much the color on the filters.
  • Note the price listed for the device the price of the best filter brand much match is usual price. If it is much lower than the filters, it can be a reason for its being fake, and if the price is much higher, it is not economical to buy it and it is not economical to buy it, is better to choose another place another place to buy it.


Household water purifier has become one of the most used products in homes and apartments, which helps to reduce harmful impurities. In the above article, we mentioned relatively comprehensive information about the types and stages of water purification in these devices. if you are interested in getting more  information about the model and purchase price of these products, you can contact our sales experts through the contact number.


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