cast iron pipe
Cast iron pipes are cast iron products that are widely used in plumbing and ventilation systems. The variety of these pipes is related to their size, shape and type of alloy, and in a general category they are divided into two types of ball heads and flat heads. Today, in various industries, cast iron fittings are widely used for waste discharge through the roof or yard, sewage piping and home ventilation.
product introduction
Cast iron pipes are cast iron products that are widely used in plumbing and ventilation systems. The variety of these pipes is related to their size, shape and type of alloy, and in a general category they are divided into two types of ball heads and flat heads. Today, in various industries, cast iron fittings are widely used for waste discharge through the roof or yard, sewage piping and home ventilation.
What is a cast iron pipe?
Cast iron pipes are types of iron-carbon alloy pipes with a carbon percentage higher than 2%, which are widely used in water, sewage and gas networks, and the history of their use for water transmission goes back to about 3 centuries ago, i.e. the 17th century. It will return. The structure of these types of pipes is mainly made of graphite iron or gray iron, which is basically the same as gray cast iron, and in the beginning, they were often used without coating. Later, in order to improve the hydraulic characteristics and increase the resistance against erosion and corrosion, coating operations on the inner and outer walls of the pipes were added to their production process.
Various types of cast iron pipes are available in the market, each of which has its own characteristics and uses them differently based on these characteristics. Gray cast iron and white cast iron are two of the most widely used types of cast iron alloy pipes.
Types of cast iron pipes
Cast iron pipe with two flat ends Today, flatbed pipes are used more due to their light weight and different connection methods due to the female series. These types of pipes are connected using a special fastener.
Cast iron pipe with ball head The connection in this type of pipes is in the form of lead and hemp and there are two types of one ball head and two ball heads in the market. Straight pipes can withstand more pressure than steel pipes. In addition, due to their elastic properties, they can withstand more impact than other pipes.
Ductile cast iron pipes These pipes, as their name suggests, are made of ductile iron and have unique properties that are used for transporting water under pressure and for portable water distribution. Among the advantages of using ductile cast iron pipes, the following can be mentioned:
High resistance to expansion pressures and strong shocks
Low pumping cost
Easy installation and testing of these pipes
Resistant to explosions and ground movements
Ability to work continuously in hydraulic flow
Variation in size from size 50 to 2000
Cast iron pipe production process
Cast iron pipes are generally produced by pit, horizontal or centrifugal method. In the vertical pit method, the mold is made by taming sand around a pattern and drying the mold in an oven. A core is placed in a mold and molten iron is poured between the core and the mold. In the horizontal method, a device is used to move the sand around the horizontal molds that have core rods through them. Molten iron is poured into molds from multi-layered ladles that are made in order to collect iron from below, so that the entry of impurities is eliminated. In the centrifugal method, sand-covered molds are used, which are placed horizontally in centrifugal casting machines. While the mold is rotating, a precise amount of molten iron is introduced, which distributes itself in the walls of the mold with the action of the speed of rotation to produce a tube in a few seconds.
Advantages of using cast iron pipe
Cast iron pipes have advantages, such as the presence of damaged walls compared to steel and ductile pipes, the absence of elastic behavior, low mechanical strength, and ISO certification. Also, their corrosion rate is similar to galvanized steel pipes and ductile pipes. Cast iron pipes have a low installation cost despite their many uses in different projects, and they are also easy to provide and install. Other advantages of using cast iron pipes include the following:
Reduced sound transmission due to high thickness
Lower price and cost than iron pipes
Durability and high performance
High resistance and strength against the pressures applied to the external walls
Less wear than metal pipes
It is possible to remove the blockage of the pipe using an air compression device
Versatility in projects
Abundance and availability
How to install cast iron pipe
The heads of cast iron pipes are designed in such a way that they are male and female and are placed inside each other. These pipes have two types of ball heads and two flat heads. Usually, the installation of ball cast iron pipes is done with hemp and lead, and special washers and fasteners are used to install flat cast iron pipes.
Guide to buying cast iron pipes
Always try to get a correct understanding of the dimensions of the pipes and their location at the beginning of the work and measure the conditions of this place correctly. In this way, you can choose a standard size to buy the connections you want. Try to use a brand to buy Etisalat that has high quality and credibility and has issued a warranty for its products. When buying cast iron fittings, it is better to choose products that have a protective coating and will not be damaged in a short period of time due to contact with chemical fluids and materials that have corrosive properties.
The price of cast iron pipe
Usually, the better the quality of the raw materials used in making cast iron fittings, the higher the quality and price of cast iron fittings, and as a result, they will have more resistance and longevity. Various factors are effective in the price of cast iron fittings, which include:
Size of products
Application of connections
Quality and standards of connections
The type and quality of raw materials for making these joints
Fittings manufacturer brand and warranty
Type of ingredients such as gray and ductile iron
Working pressure pn10 with pn16
Type of coating such as regular black paint or epoxy
In this article, we tried to introduce you to the specifications of these pipes and their uses. Cast iron pipes are cast iron products that differ from each other based on the type of application, the amount of alloy, the shape and length of the pipe, and the type of connections. These pipes are usually used in the sewage piping system and are divided into two types of head (one ball head and two ball heads) and two flat heads. If you are interested in getting information about the price list of cast iron pipes, you can contact the numbers on the site.